La obra de Said se realizó durante tres días. Su propuesta tiene una base de transformación, de rito de cambio, entre la muerte, lo que se va y la vida, lo que se mantiene. Parte de la memoria colectiva, de las historias de las personas que pasaban durante la realización de la intervención, con las que se construyó la imagen.
Said's work was made during three days. His offer has a base of transformation, of rite of change, between the dead, who go away and the still alive. The image was constructed with part of the collective memory and the stories of people walking around during the intervention.

Said's work was made during three days. His offer has a base of transformation, of rite of change, between the dead, who go away and the still alive. The image was constructed with part of the collective memory and the stories of people walking around during the intervention.

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