Cada año la prestigiada revista FORBES, presenta una selección 50 mexicanos que con su trabajo han cautivado a nivel internacional.
Este año Said Dokins se encuentra dentro de esta lista en la categoría de Arte Contemporáneo por el cuerpo de obra que ha desarrollado a partir de mezclar la disciplina de la caligrafía, el graffiti y el arte urbano, con la fotografía de larga exposición, registrando el acto de la escritura a través de la luz.
La reconocida revista FORBES México, dio a conocer la lista de los Mexicanos más creativos en el mundo del año 2017.
Con el objetivo de reconocer la cultura mexicana, cada año, la revista Forbes México selecciona a los mexicanos que han conquistado el mundo a través de su creatividad, mostrando la diversidad cultural en diversas disciplinas como arquitectura, artes, diseño, cine, danza, teatro, gastronomía, literatura y música.
Estos destacados creadores han destacado y cautivado a nivel internacional, te compartimos aquí la lista de los seleccionados en cada categoría:
Carlos Amorales
Exposición Turbulencias en Galeria do Torreão Nascente
1970, Ciudad de México. Edgardo Aragón
Su obra formó parte de la muestra Cartografías líquidas de Artium
Fotografía y video
1985, Oaxaca. Fritzia Irizar
Bienal del Mercosur en Porto Alegre
1977, Culiacán.
Jorge Satorre
Feria ARCO Madrid 2017
1979, Ciudad de México. Said Dokins
Heliografías de la Memoria
Artista urbano
1983, Ciudad de México
Teresa Margolles
Premio Príncipe Claus
Arte contemporáneo
1963, Culiacán.
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Recibió un Oscar especial
1963, Ciudad de México
Eugenio Derbez
Conquistó el mercado estadounidense
1961, Ciudad de México
Ernesto Contreras
Premio del público en Sundance
1969, Veracruz
Guillermo del Toro
León de Oro del Festival de cine de Venecia
1964, Guadalajara
Jorge Gutiérrez
Director de El Libro de la Vida
1975, Tijuana.
Robin Morales
Premio Folimage Studio
Animación Santiago García Galván
CEO en Ítaca Films
1980, Ciudad de México Lucía Carreras
Premio Príncipe Claus
Arte Contemporáneo
1963, Culiacán Tatiana Huezo
Braulio Álvarez
Primer extranjero en el Ballet de Tokio
1990, Ciudad de Méxic
Isaac Hernández
Premio Oliver Award del English National Ballet
1990, Guadalajara Martha Lorena Preve Ayora
Autora de A Night with the Dead en Broadway
1986, Yucatán
Alejandro Magallanes
Muestra internacional Madrid Gráfica
1971, Ciudad de México David Pompa
Primera marca mexicana en Euroluce – Salone del Mobile Milano
Diseño Industrial
1986, Austria Humberto Ramos
Dibujante de Champions para Marvel
Dibujante de comics
1970, Ciudad de México Francisco Herrera
Diseño y dibujo para Disney
1976, Campeche Joana Valdez
Exhibición Adorno
Diseño industrial
1985*, Yucatán
Paco Medina
Dibujante de U.S. Avengers, Marvel
Dibujante de comics
1983, Ciudad de México
Pamela y Paola Wong
New York Fashion Week.
Diseño de moda
1984 / 1987, Ciudad de México Ricardo Seco
Revolucionó la New York Fashion Week con colección inspirada en la
1966, Torreón Pepe Soho
Ganó la Copa Mundial de Fotografía 2017
1971, Ciudad de México
Eduardo Lizalde Chávez
Premio Internacional Carlos Fuentes a la Creación Literaria en español
Poesía / Literatura
1929, Ciudad de México Juan Pablo Villalobos
Premio Herralde de Novela
1973, Guadalajara Julián Herbert
Premio de novela Elena Poniatowska
1971, Acapulco Norma Elia Cantú
Premio Luis Leal
1947, Nuevo Laredo.
Carlos Rivera
Intérprete de la canción principal de Coco
1986, Huamantla Broz Rodríguez
DJ destacado en electrónica mexicana actual
Guadalajara Camilo Lara
Asesor de la música de Coco
1975, Ciudad de México Lila Downs
Nuevo disco Salón, Lágrimas y Deseo
Música 1968, Tlaxiaco
Música electrónica
Tomás Davó, Puerto Escondido, 1987/ Lauro Robles (LAO), 1985, Ciudad de México/ Alberto Bustamante, 1986, Oaxaca Rolando Villazón
Concertista en Europa y host de especial de Navidad de PBS
1972, Satélite
My last huge mural in Munich supporting the Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art | MUCA. The mural is in the heart of the city, a stone's throw from Marienplatz, at front of the Museum there is a power electric plant that feeds the city, it has a more than 1200 square meters wall, so is the biggest mural in Munich.
Said Dokins, Chalchihuite, 2017. Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art, MUCA, Munich. Photo: Leonardo Luna
This piece is a reflection on time, in it's multiple dimensions. On one side, the concept of cyclic time, represented by a great circle, denominated by Dokins "Chalchihuite", related with jade stone, preHispanic symbol of protection, water, vital cycles and vegetation. On the other side, he approaches the concept of time as a current situation, present time, where armed conflicts and wars produce extreme situations in diverse places on Earth. Dokins reproduces in his own unique style a poem by the Syrian writer Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said) about time, where the author does a deep reflection on Syrian War and human condition. For Said Dokins, the subject of refugees is very important within European context, especially in Germany and in Bavarian community because, despite the creation of several programs for refugees in Munich, due to the political and social situation in the city, the segregation between these communities is very pronounced. This mural is a call for diversity, flexibility an openness of society to migratory flows and to the new time that is arising in Munich.
Said Dokins has just finished his last work in Munich for MUCA and we had the opportunity to see the process of it. The Giant Façade in the exterior of the Museum belongs to a power plant and it has a 1000 square meters wall which makes it the largest painting in the city. The outdoor area will also become an additional exhibition space and part of the event area for the MUCA URBAN ART FESTIVALwhich will run parallel to the Grand Opening and will run until the end of August 2017.
The wall titled –CHALCHIUITE- a term of Aztec origin which alludes to a magico-religious protector that in the past was made of jade, semiprecious stone, and which for it effects it was necessary to warm it to the sun. Also here the sun makes sparkling the gold and silver letters on the wall maybe in connection with this idea to charge of protection energy and turning it into a gigantic amulet.
Besides Said´s chalchiuite contains poems referring to the seasons directly in connection with the texts that surround it, words that speak about the time. The work of Said always loaded with social background turns his interventions into something more than a mere aesthetic work of art. On this occasion he has chosen Adonis’ stanzas, pseudonym of the Syrian poet Ali Ahmad Said, from the poem “Time” to embrace the verses of Chalchihuite a deep reflection of the time and its destruction in relation to these times of continuous armed conflicts.
“Hugging the ear of corn
of Time,
my head a tower of fire.
My soul has forgotten the things of its passion,
forgotten its legacy, preserved in the house of images.
It no longer remembers what the rain pronounces,
what the ink of trees inscribes;
no longer paints anything
but a sea gull flung by the waves onto the ropes of a ship;
it no longer hears anything
but iron screaming: Here is the city’s breast,
a moon is ruptured, tied to the umbilical cord
of a ghoul of sparks;”
He has chosen calligraphy from typologies of the average age but approached from techniques of Japanese writing that the artist himself knows by converting the own action of the writing in an authentic performance.
UglyFoodHouse invited SaidDokins for a Visual arts residency specializing in printing methods, Dokins worked with SatterUgly and the Master Print Ivonne Adel-Bureos in a Limited Fine Art Print Edition and we want to share with you the result, all process was documented by Rodrigo Courtney by La Musa Fea Productions:
El Ocaso (The sunset)
Author: SaidDokins Screen Print. / 100% cotton paper 290g 56 x 76 cm. Edition of 20. Apr 2017 7 layers on fine cotton paper. Each layer made by hand with different calligraphic tools: Automatic pens, Luthis pens, Japanese brushes and several kind of nibs. Signed and numbered in the bottom
Each piece is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity numbered and signed by SaidDokins and the Master Printer of UglyFoodHouse: Ivonne Adel- Bureos
Each print is embossed with the UglyFoodHouse chop in the lower left corner.
The theme of the edition revolves around the sunset as a phenomenon of inspiration, where sunlight illuminates the upper layers of the atmosphere and light is refracted in all directions creating all blue and gold metallic. Also from different mythologies is in the afternoon when the spirits of the dark arise, where a change of mood is generated towards the night, where the subject is dominated by the passion, more than by reason. Somehow also the sunset and this change towards the dark, is reflected in the tone in which the poets have approached the subject. Dokinsinscribes various poems of Japanese haiku that are related to this phenomenon, in each layer is creating a texture where reflects the mood of sunset and where the sunset gives way to the rule of the Moon.