Street Art At Its Best: Said Dokins' Avionazo en la Plazuela

APRIL 21, 2010
Street Art At Its Best: Said Dokins' Avionazo en la Plazuela
This is by far one of our favorite pieces of street art we've seen in years.
Urban Intervention in Plaza del Aguilita (Eagle´s Square) by Said Dokins. It was done by Said Dokins in the Plaza del Aguilita in México City next to a squatter camp. It's called: Avionazo en la Plazuela (Plane Crash in the Square).
While the photos should "tell the story" paper airplane wheatpastes are that released by a hand over the buildings. The 3-D plane that's in the Eagle`s Plaza is made of metal and fiberglass.
The artist tells us: "This intervention is a way to make a satirical reflection on the mechanisms of threat and power in which we are engaged, the political farces and scenarios created at the expense of the suffering and disruption of others. You may be asked for some within spheres of power, to destroy people, buildings, communities, as if it were a game, the movement of a chess piece or throw a dart on a cork."
The piece is part of a curatorial exercise of Claudia de la Garza, called Habitar: No autorizado (Living: There is authorized) that aims to explore the impact of art forms in the urban environment by creating things that directly influence our daily life"
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3 comentarios:
good intervention, it reminds me blublu the artist. Check it on youtube, his drawings are incredible!
I'm appreciate your writing style.Please keep on working hard.^^
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